General information about BARIP

The Board of Airline Representatives in Poland BARIP has existed in Poland since 2006 and represents the interests of air carriers in the country and on the international arena. The Board main tasks is to monitor, react and give opinions on regulatory policy in Poland and at the EU level, which affects the aviation industry, in particular the costs related to the performance of aviation activities in Poland. The council’s area of interest is also to influence the shaping of laws and regulations in order to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the aviation industry through cooperation with the relevant ministry, parliament and regulatory authorities.
The Board is also interested in the promotion of high quality services and passenger safety, cooperation with carriers, regulatory authorities and international organizations. the Board issues opinions on regulations on standards and principles of safety and quality of services that apply to the entire aviation industry in Poland.

The Council is also involved in undertaking initiatives aimed at the development of the aviation industry in Poland, including through participation in conferences, fairs and aviation symposiums.

Additionally the Board also cooperates with international organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Air Operators Councils to improve aviation standards and regulations at the international level.

Our board of directors:

Andrzej Kobielski – Chair of the Board

Grzegorz Michorek – V-ce Chair of the Board

Rene Koinzack – Board Member

Wojciech Arszewski – Board Member

Cengiz Inceosman – Board Member



Ogólne informacje o BARIP

Rada Przewoźników Lotniczych w Polsce BARIP istnieje w Polsce od 2006 r i zajmuje się reprezentowaniem interesów przewoźników lotniczych w kraju oraz na arenie międzynarodowej. Rada  monitoruje, reaguje i opiniuje politykę regulacyjną w Polsce i na poziomie UE, która wpływa na przemysł lotniczy w szczególności na koszty związane z wykonywaniem działalności lotniczej w Polsce. Zadaniem rady jest także wpływ na kształtowanie przepisów i regulacji w celu poprawy efektywności i konkurencyjności przemysłu lotniczego poprzez współpracę z właściwym ministerstwem, parlamentem i organami regulacyjnymi.

W obszarze zagadnień Rady jest także promocja  wysokiej jakości usług oraz bezpieczeństwa pasażerów. Współpracując z przewoźnikami, organami regulacyjnymi oraz organizacjami międzynarodowymi, Rada opiniuje regulacje dot. standardów i zasad bezpieczeństwa oraz jakości usług, które będą obowiązywać w całym przemyśle lotniczym w Polsce. Rada zajmuje się także podejmowaniem inicjatyw mających na celu rozwój przemysłu lotniczego w Polsce, w tym poprzez udział w konferencjach, targach oraz sympozjach lotniczych.

Rada współpracuje także z organizacjami międzynarodowymi, takimi jak Międzynarodowa Organizacja Lotnictwa Cywilnego (ICAO) i Europejska Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Lotniczego (EASA), oraz Europejskimi Radami Przewoźników Lotniczych w celu poprawy standardów i regulacji lotniczych na szczeblu międzynarodowym.

Nasz zarząd:

Andrzej Kobielski – Chair of the Board

Grzegorz Michorek – V-ce Chair of the Board

Rene Koinzack – Board Member

Wojciech Arszewski – Board Member

Cengiz Inceosman – Board Member


According to the stipulations of BARIP Bylaws:

The scope of BARIP is to represent the common interest of members through creating a forum for discussions on the matters:

Uniting Airlines and Sales Agents for Joint Action in Poland

Being of common interest of domestic, foreign airlines and general sales agents dedicated to a particular airline on the territory of Poland in order to reach agreement on joint actions,

Empowering BARIP as the Voice of the Airline Industry in Poland

Related to bringing BARIP to the position of an influential body empowered by its members to take actions towards public authorities in the interest of the airline industry in Poland, whenever appropriate.

Our goals

Moreover, BARIP tries to achieve goals by:

The full version of BARIP Bylaws is accessible for BARIP Members upon request.

Collaboration and Advocacy for Members' Interests

Cooperation and mutual help, representing the members and their needs and opinions towards authorities and other institutions,
economic parties, 

Driving Progress through Purposeful Activities

Undertaking any other activities aiming at developing the purpose of the Association.


BARIP meetings are usually held on the monthly basis unless there is a necessity to call for an extraordinary meeting. During summer holidays BARIP meeting are normally not held.

Executive Team

BARIP authorities


BARIP management Board:

Andrzej P. Kobielski – President of the Board (Enter Air)
Maciej Wilk – Vice President of the Board (PLL LOT)
Frank Wagner – Member of the Board (Lufthansa)
Maria Ślażyńska – Member of the board (SAS)
Wojciech Arszewski – Member of the Board (UPS)


Executive authorities:

Magdalena Mossakowska Borys – Executive Director of BARIP
Rafał Jantarski – Secretary of BARIP


Address data:

Address: Ul. Mickiewicza 23/15 01-517 Warsaw

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